To Build Law is a new documentary and the second installment in “Groundwork,” a three-part film and exhibition series from the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) that explores alternative modes of architectural practice. The film documents the conceptualization and development of...
The latest installment of The Architects Series, a project of The Plan Magazine and Iris Ceramica Group, presents a half-hour documentary on the architecture and interior design studio NOA...
Watch a trailer for Green Over Gray – Emilio Ambasz, a documentary that explores the revolution in green architecture through four projects designed by Emilio Ambasz, including the terraced ACROS Building in Fukuoka, Japan. The film is being shown at numerous film festivals this year.
Point of Origin – Building a House in Austria documents the construction of an alpine house designed by Rem Koolhaas that is notably the Dutch architect’s first house realized since the House in Bordeaux 25 years ago. With apparently unfettered access to architect, client, and...
Can a work of architecture reveal something about its creator? Or does a building only tell stories about its occupants? In Skin of Glass, filmmaker Denise Zmekhol attempts to learn more about her father, who died when she was just fourteen, by visiting his masterpiece, the 24-story...
The latest installment of The Architects Series, a project of The Plan Magazine and Iris Ceramic Group, presents a 27-minute documentary on the London studio of Alison Brooks.
The Genius of the Place: The Life and Work of Geoffrey Bawa is a new documentary, directed by Sri Lankan native Afdhel Aziz, that explores the work of "Sri Lanka's most important architect" and "the greatest architect you've never heard of."
Architects Thom Mayne, Rienier de Graaf, and Peter Cook, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and other players involved in The Line, the controversial NEOM project unveiled in 2021, discuss the...
Documentary filmmaker Nathan Eddy's sequel to Starship Chicago, his 2017 film on Helmut Jahn's James R. Thompson Center, is available to stream on the MAS Context website from June 1 to 18, 2023.
Streaming services are in abundance but only one is devoted to architecture: Shelter. Is it worth the monthly investment? Our review.
Filmmaker Michael Blackwood, who directed and/or produced over 150 documentary films, most of them focused on artists, architects, and musicians, died on February 24 at the age of 88.
Foster + Partners has shared an episode of the Sky Arts documentary series The Art of Architecture that is devoted to the firm's Dolunary Villa in Kaplankaya, Turkey.
The Bubble, a documentary by Austrian filmmaker Valerie Blankenbyl, was the big winner at the BARQ Festival in May, winning Best Documentary Feature Film. World-Architects editor John Hill...
The Bubble, a 2021 film directed by Valerie Blankenbyl about The Villages, Florida – with over 150,000 residents, it is the largest retirement community in the world – won Best Documentary Feature Film at the BARQ Festival.
Spaceship Earth is a new documentary directed by Matt Wolf that tells the story of Biosphere 2, the experimental laboratory in the Arizona desert that housed eight scientists for two years nearly thirty years ago.
Artist Jill Magid's The Proposal tells the story of architect Luis Barragán's professional archive, currently held by the non-profit Barragan Foundation in Switzerland, and the artist's attempt to return it to Mexico. World-Architects editor John Hill attended a...
BIG TIME, directed by Kaspar Astrup Schröder, is a documentary profile of Danish architect Bjarke Ingels that premieres later this month at the Copenhagen Architecture Festival.
Netflix is celebrating the creative industries in an eight-part documentary series, Abstract: The Art of Design, which portrays one designer per episode, each in a different field. Architecture is represented by none other than Bjarke Ingels.