
Topos Atelier de Arquitectura

Elementary School in Paris

Paris, France, 2012

This equipment contains a primary school, a pre-school, a Leisure Centre, a lunchroom with their respective landscaping. The project is ...

baubar | urbanlaboratorium

Sanierung Willi-Graf-Schulen

Saarbrücken, Germany, 2013

Mit 1.200 Schülern zählen die Willi-Graf-Schulen, bestehend aus Gymnasium und Realschule, zu den größten bischöflichen Schulanlagen im Bi...

Schädler & Zwerger Architekten

Haus der Diakonischen Bildung Stuttgart

Stuttgart, Germany, 2013

Alten- und Krankenpflegeschule unterschiedlicher Trägerschaft sollten unter einem Dach mit möglichst hohen Synergieeffekten untergebracht...

Morscher Architekten

Erweiterungsneubau Orientierungsschule

Kerzers, Switzerland, 2013

Der gewählte Standort erweitert den bestehende Klassentrakt in Richtung Westen, zur Turnhalle hin. Die Gebäudevolumen aus erweitertem Sch...

Morscher Architekten

Neubau Schulanlage Bünzmatt III

Wohlen, Switzerland, 2004

Die bestehende Anlage von Dolf Schnebli aus den 60er Jahren wird durch einen einfach geschnittenen Sichtbetonbau erweitert. Der Pausenhof...

Morscher Architekten

Neubau Schulanlage Châtelet

Biel, Switzerland, 2014

Der neue Baukörper schliesst nahtlos an die bestehende Aula und alte Turnhalle an und bildet so den nördlichen Abschluss der Anlage, die ...

phalt Architekten

Primarschulhaus Vitznau

Vitznau, Switzerland, 2013

Vitznau liegt am Ufer des Vierwaldstädtersees am Südfuss der Rigi. Das im Jahr 1967 durch das Architektenpaar Adolf und Lis Ammann-Steble...


Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy High…

Chicago, IL, USA, 2011

The Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy High School (IHSCA) is a charter high school founded by Instituto del Progreso Latino (IDPL)...


UNO Soccer Academy

Chicago, IL, USA, 2011

Opened in September 2011, this is the first link of a soccer-focused master plan developed by United Neighborhood Organization (UNO). The...

dolmus architekten

Erweiterung Primarschulhaus

Evilard, Switzerland, 2017

Wettbewerb 1. Rang. Die städtebauliche Figur bezieht sich stark auf die bestehende Anlage. An das bestehende Schulhaus wird rückseitig e...

huber staudt architekten bda

School for Children with Autism

Nürnberg, Germany, 2021

Between Tiroler- and Ingolstädter-Straße, as well as the future tram line, a new city quarter with mainly social institutions is being bu...

Drei Architekten

Student House for a High School

Stuttgart, Germany, 2007

The student house is positioned as a slightly rotated solitaire between two schoolyards. The shape of the cube contrasts to the long volu...

Drei Architekten

High School

Weil am Rhein, Germany, 2011

The existing school campus with primary school, secondary school and sports halls had to be extended by a high school. We designed a very...

Drei Architekten

Erweiterung Rosensteinschule

Stuttgart, Germany, 2013

A school from the 50's with a three-storey main building and single-storey pavilions had to be extend by a cafeteria, student lounges and...

Bruck + Weckerle Architekten

Extension of a Primary School

Howald, Luxembourg, 2007

Ein rundum zugebauter, nicht zugänglicher und nur über die Korridorfenster einsehbarer Innenhof ist die letzte Platzreserve f&u...

Bruck + Weckerle Architekten

Temporary school building "Athenée in Luxemburg

Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2013

Im Zuge der geplanten Sanierung des Schulgebäudes Athénée wurde auf dem Campus Geesseknaeppchen ein Schulprovisorium e...

Angehrn & Spiess

Gesamtsanierung Kirchplatz-Schulhaus

Wil, Switzerland, 2000

Das Kirchplatzschulhaus steht an dominanter Lage, eingebunden in den Altstadtring von Wil, mit freier Sicht ins Toggenburg und den Alpste...

urech architekten

Sanierung Schulhaus Lorraine

Bern, Switzerland, 2011

nach einem brand im dachgeschoss des schulhauses lorraine im november 2009 begannen im frühjahr 2010 die wiederaufbau- und sanierungsarbe...

urech architekten

Sanierung Schulhaus Marzilli, Bern

Bern, Switzerland, 2012

etappenweise sanierung der drei schulpavillons aus den 40er-jahren, insbesondere dächer, fassaden und fenster in enger zusammenarbei...

Wilson Architects

Brisbane Grammar School - The Lilley Centre

Brisbane, Australia, 2010

The Brisbane Grammar School’s new integrated learning facility, The Lilley Centre, represents a significant transformative physical...

ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier

Master plan and first phase urban design of…

Guangzhou, China

The area of the master plan of Guangzhou Education City is 20 sq km and it is one of the major projects of Guangzhou in 2013. It includes...

huber staudt architekten bda

Friedrich Engels Grammar School

Berlin, Germany, 2011

The existing Friedrich-Engels-Gymnasium in the district Reinickendorf of Berlin is to be extended into a all-day-high school with five pa...

huber staudt architekten bda

High School for Motor Car Technology

Berlin, Germany, 2011

The energetic facade renovation of the Oberstufenzentrum für KFZ Technik Berlin between 2008 and 2011 aimed to find a contemporary interp...

huber staudt architekten bda

Birken Elementary School and School "Am…

Berlin, Germany, 2008

Under a firm protecting roof of fair faced concrete the new construction offers a lot of space for the extension of the Birken-Grundschul...

huber staudt architekten bda

Sachsenwald Elementary School

Berlin, Germany, 2007

Even in its present form, the Sachsenwald Primary School is a collage with the original structure of Hans Müller, visible from the south-...

huber staudt architekten bda

Blumen Elementary School and…

Berlin, Germany, 2007

Two schools of the SK-Berlin prefabrication series from the sixties were provided with new cladding on the long sides, made of extruded a...

Dällenbach/Ewald Architekten AG

Erweiterung Schulhaus Brucheren

Oberlangenegg, Switzerland, 2012

PAUAT Architekten


Andorf, Austria, 2012

The project was developed after winning an EU- wide competition and has been finished in 2012. Open spatial sequences provide the base fo...

meier + associés architectes

«La Planchette» primary school, winner

Aigle, Switzerland, 2006

Situated in the Rhône valley, this building is designed as a sculpture. It rests on a surface whose perfect horizontality is due to...

meier + associés architectes

The «CIFOM» technical college

Le Locle, Switzerland, 2004

This project, to create a technical college in the western part of the town, is part of the urban framework of the Junod plan, an orthogo...

meier + associés architectes

«Le Chaucey» primary school

Coppet, Switzerland, 1999

winner The new “Le Chaucey” primary school lies parallel to the existing school, with a covered playground linking the two...

meier + associés architectes

Frontenex business school

Chêne-Bougeries, Switzerland, 2017

Winner The plot is located at the head of a new urbanized strip stretching from the Route de Frontenex to La Gradelle. Scale will be q...

meier + associés architectes

«Les Pressoirs» secondary school

Lonay, Switzerland, 2004

winner The “Les Pressoirs” secondary school sits on a plot of land above the village of Lonay. Here, on a hillside overloo...

Beat Consoni

Schulhaus Haslach

Au SG, Switzerland, 2000

Beat Consoni

Campus Lehrerbildung Thurgau

Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, 2008

Behnisch Architekten

Ergolding Secondary School

Ergolding, Germany, 2013

The new Ergolding Secondary School sits within a far-stretching natural and artificial landscape, beside an existing special school and a...

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