
Efficiency Lab for Architecture | 05.04.2021

Building of the Week

The first Avenues: The World School opened in 2012 inside a former industrial building next to the High Line in New York City, setting a precedent of adaptive reuse for the international system of schools. The first piece of the Avenues Silicon Valley Campus transforms part of an old office...

Wutopia Lab | 18.02.2021


Shanghai Huijian invited Wutopia Lab to design a welcoming stage in front of the sales center of their project in Huzhou. The only request from the client was to make it different.

John Hill | 24.08.2020


Lab-École, a Québec non-profit focused on impacting the design of tomorrow's schools, has unveiled the winners in the "Imagining the Schools of Tomorrow, Together" competition that will be built in different parts of the Canadian province in the coming years.

design/buildLAB | 03.03.2017


The Sharon Fields are the second and final phase of a Little League Baseball and Softball complex serving boys and girls from age 3 to 18 in Alleghany County, Virginia.

MASS Lab | 15.06.2016


The building will take place in the plot of Civic Center of the city of Ryde, with 9,600 square meters.

Mass Lab | 05.04.2016


MASS Lab has been named one of the four finalists in the Nordic Built Cities Challenge Competition in the Faroe Islands, for the construction of a masterplan in an area of ​​over 45,000 square meters.

John Hill | 28.02.2016


Rock Print, a collaborative installation of Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, and MIT's Self-Assembly Lab, was one of the highlights of the inaugural Chicago Architecture Beinnial. A short film presents its dusty deinstallation.

ABF-lab Architects and Engineers | 19.02.2016


If you want that your garden gives you the best of himself and do grow quality food, it ‘s obvious and fundamental to turn the entire food farm project towards the sun. So we didn’t want to use any artificial lighting to supply power to plant vegetable gardens and a maximum of diversity.

John Hill | 07.10.2015


The contribution of Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, and the Self-Assembly Lab, MIT, to the Chicago Architectural Biennial is an installation they call "the first architectural construction built by robotic machines using only rocks and thread, without any adhesive and mortar."