The latest installment in Madeline Beach Carey's “Building Novels” series, which looks at works of fiction where buildings and architecture play integral roles, is Zachary C. Solomon's first novel, A Brutal Design, whose protagonist is an architecture student and which is set in an...
Twenty years after the "Bilbao effect" was created with the opening of Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, the time appears to be ripe for books critiquing the plethora of architectural icons, the popularity of celebrity architects, and the changing face of cities...
Housing Cairo: The Informal Response, edited by Marc Angélil and Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, was published earlier this year by Berlin-based publisher Ruby Press. Recently it won a
In her new book, The Inspired Lansdcape, landscape architect Susan Cohen explores the creative process of 21 leading international landscape architects. Here we present an excerpt from the book and highlight just a few of the projects found in its pages.