A Crash Course in Crafting Biodiversity

10 & 11 September 2024 | Creative Laboratory Krater and other ecosystems across Ljubljana

Designers: Andrej Koruza, Gaja Mežnarić Osole and Danica Sretenović (Trajna / Krater collective)

Registration Deadline: 8 Sep, 10.00 CET

Trajna will curate a crash course in urban biodiversity stewardship, which is to take place in the framework of its Crafting Biodiversity project. In collaboration with infrastructure activist Debra Solomon, landscape architect Urška Škerl, and geodesist Alen Mangafić they will present contemporary land stewardship practices that facilitate urban ecosystem defragmentation and urban development which takes into consideration the needs of all the species that inhabit a city. A two-day course offers an insight into the “radical observation” of urban(ized) ecosystems and natural processes, and provides guidance in dealing with the administrative practices that define them. The programme builds literacy in biodiversity-sensitive spatial interventions, from the protocols guiding municipal spatial planning and digital mapping tools to the conception of regenerative actions in streets, roads, or abandoned land plots. The event is a co-production with Krater collective.

You can register for the course or individual workshops, but make sure you clearly indicate the selected event. Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early – the limit is 40 participants per workshop. You will be notified regarding your participation by 8 September, 14.00.

10 September to 11 September 2024
Peričeva ulica 25-31
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Creative Laboratory Krater
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