Foto © Idoia Unzurrunzaga
Foto © Idoia Unzurrunzaga
Foto © Idoia Unzurrunzaga
Foto © Idoia Unzurrunzaga


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Aldamar Parkea, 6, 20808 Getaria, Guipuzkoa, Spanien

The lighting of Balenciaga's musem has the particularity of being totally involved with exhibition discourse that seeks to remove parts hieratic and surround of pieces in a changing environment. It brings vitality and temporality. It's one of the first museums where LED is used as the primary light source and a control system to get dynamism.

Andere Projekte von La Invisible

Disfrutar Restaurant
Barcelona, Spanien
Glòries square – Urban Canopy
Barcelona, Spanien
Lighting Master Plan Barcelona
Barcelona, Spanien
Beceite, Spanien
Lluèrnia Lighting Festival Installation: L’Hort de la Llum
Olot, Spanien