Prof. Johannes Kister
Associate (Germany)
Biografie anzeigen
- Architect
- Professor for Design and Building Construction, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences at Bauhaus Dessau/Germany
- Member of the Architects Chamber of North-Rhine Westphalia/Germany
- Member of the state association of BDA Saxonia-Anhalt/Germany since 2004
1956 born in Stuttgart
1976-1982 studies of architecture, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
degree under Prof. Gottfried Böhm
1982-1983 architect with Suter & Suter, Basle/Switzerland
1983-1988 architect with Prof. Jürgen Schürmann, Cologne/Germany
1988 formation of the architects’ alliance ‘Kölner Bucht’ Cologne/Germany
1992 formation of Kister Scheithauer & Partner, Cologne/Germany
since 1994 Professor for Design and Building Construction, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences at Bauhaus Dessau/Germany
since 1997 kisterscheithauergross, Cologne/Germany
2001-2006 member of the Advisory Board of the German Architecture Museum (DAM), Frankfurt am Main/Germany
2006-2009 Dean of the faculty of architecture, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences at Bauhaus Dessau/Germany
since 2010 associate partner of RhineScheme GmbH
Ran Li
Co-Founder | CEO (China)
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- Architect & Urban Planner
- CEO of RhineScheme (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
1974 born in Tianjin / China
1993-1997 studies of architecture with Tianjin City Construction Institute, Tianjin/China
1997-2002 architect with TADI (Tianjin Architectural Design Institute) in Tianjin and Shanghai/China
2002 lead architect of Shenzhen Branch, HP-ENFI Architects & Engineers, Shenzhen/China
2002-2004 architect and project manager with OCE (Obermeyer Consulting Engineers) in Beijing/China
2004 co-founder of RhineScheme group
since 2005 general manager of RhineScheme Beijing office
since 2010 managing director of RhineScheme (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Wolf Loebel
Co-Founder | CEO (Germany)
Biografie anzeigen
- Architect & Urban Planner
- Member of the Architects’ Chamber of North-Rhine Westphalia
1962 born in Andernach/Germany
1983-1985 studies of architecture at the Technical University of Aachen/Germany
1986-1987 studies of architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna/Austria, master class Prof. Gustav Peichl
1988-1997 journalist with the architectural magazine ‘ARCH+’ in Aachen/Germany
1992 master degree at Technical University of Aachen/Germany under Prof. Wolfgang Döring
1992-1997 self-owned planning office in Aachen/Germany
1997-2001 project manager with H.J. Koch Architekten, Düsseldorf/Germany
since 2002 living in Beijing/China
2002-2003 design director with ‘Obermeyer Consulting Engineers’ Co., Ltd., Beijing/China
2004 initiator and co-founder of rhinescheme group
since 2005 managing director of rhinescheme group

Prof. Dr. Edgar Stach
Associate (North America)
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- Architect
- Professor at the College of Architecture at the University of Philadelphia / U.S.A.
- Director of the ISS (Institute for Smart Structures) at University of Tennessee / U.S.A.
- Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Delft / Netherlands
- Associate Member of AIA – American Institute of Architects
- Member of the Architects Chamber of North-Rhine Westphalia / Germany
- Scientific advisor for numerous international research projects
- Numerous international awards and prizes, exhibitions and publications in professional journals
1963 born in Cologne / Germany
1983-1991 studies of architecture, Technical University of Aachen/Germany
1987-1988 studies of architecture, Technical University of Vienna/Austria
1991 master degree at Technical University of Aachen/Germany
1991-1993 project architect with ‘Professors Scheuermann, Flender and Partners’, Aachen/Germany
1993-1995 project architect with ‘Ingenhoven, Overdiek, Petzinka and Partners’, Düsseldorf/Germany
since 1995 principal of the self-owned planning practice SKA (Stach Klinkhammer Architects)
1995-1999 lecturer at Bauhaus University, Weimar/Germany
1999-2012 professor for Architectural Design and New Technology at the University of Tennessee/U.S.A.
since 2007 associate partner of RHINESCHEME group
since 2012 Professor at the College of Architecture at the University of Philadelphia/U.S.A.