Michaela Diefenthal

Senior Lighting Designer

Donatella Gentile

Junior Lighting Designer

Yvonne Goldschmidtböing

Senior Lighting Designer

Michaela Kruse

Senior Lighting Designer

Corinne Lamby

Senior Lighting Designer

Ngurah Clifton Pinatih

Senior Lighting Designer

Daniel Walden

Managing Director and Owner
Show Biography

born 25th of Mai 1974 in Duesseldorf
Dipl.Ing.(FH) Engineering Design Degree – Cologne University of Applied Sciences
MALD – Master Architectural Lighting Design HS Wismar and KTH-Syd Stockholm, Sweden
Since 2004 project-management for a·g Licht
Since 2011 owner and partner of a·g Licht
Since 2024 managing partner and owner of a·g Licht