The main concern of the Herzberg urban development is to create a structural ensemble that incorporates a variety of living facilities in one neighborhood, accommodating a broad range of different lifestyles.

One consistent design and quality feature is the terracing of all buildings at the upper-floor level. All apartments either have private front or back yards, terraces, loggias or balconies, partly with additional communal outdoor spaces along the arcade.

The objective of the residential project is to create apartments that are adaptable for different situations in life and different configurations of users. Therefore ground plans were sparsely configured, corridors as circulation areas were left away wherever possible, living rooms were downsized and room were created that may be partitioned off from the rest, temporarily or permanently as the need may be. Usability is also improved through built-in furniture. The apartments thus created offer a variety of possible individual spaces and also admit of changes in a household’s needs of space – many rooms on a small living area. The floor-space-optimized design offers adaptable inexpensive living space. A home office or a room for the visiting child of a divorced parent thus is more easily affordable.

EGW Heimstätte + ÖVW Österreichisches Wohnungswerk

Invited Competition
09.2007 - 1st prize

20.212 m²

ARGE hERZberg AllesWirdGut + feld72

Jan Schröder, Amir Aman, Daniel Payer, Jirka Becker, Johann Wittenberger, Nicola Savic, Robert Müller

Project development: raum & kommunikation KORAB KEG
Structural physics: TB Wilhelm Hofbauer
Structural engineering: werkraum wien, Katzkow & Partner GmbH
Building services: BPS Engineering
Landscaping planning: Sabine Dessovic, Büro für Landschaftsarchitektur Detzlhofer

Hertha Hurnaus

ERZ Social Housing

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Erzherzog-Karl Straße, Wien, Austria

Other Projects by AllesWirdGut 

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BSE Vocational School
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TZW Zentrum für Technologie und Design
St. Pölten, Austria