KI(ndergarten) T(ernitz) gives kids the best equipment – a tool KIT, that is fun.
A low-rise building of 30 × 40 meters with a central inner courtyard.A gallery around the courtyard provides access to all rooms and is so oversized that it is not only a corridor but also a communal playing area for all kindergarten groups – right-hand driving also goes for Bobby Cars! The courtyard is an extension of the adjoining movement spaces – a fresh-air space – always open.
The group rooms offer the right setting for any mood or whim: light or dark, high or low, steep or flat … Full-width panorama windows open the rooms to the garden. Colors and materials are kept in warm earth tones. We provide the frame that leaves everything open. The picture is continually re-created by the children themselves. Work in progress.
Stadtgemeinde Ternitz
11.2008 - 1st prize
1.280 m²
General Planning & On Site Management
Christof Braun, Martin Brandt, Paula Groß, Therese Heidecke
Structural engineering: werkraum Wien Ingenieure
Structural ecology-physics: IBO Österr. Institut für Baubiologie und -ökologie
Building services: HPD Planungsdienst TB GmbH
Supervision: Kreiner & Partner ZT GmbH
Measuring: Geo Engineering
Landscape design: Plansinn (DI Meinharter)
Hertha Hurnaus