Watching the Biennale

John Hill | 14. November 2023
Native(s) Lifeways by Hood Design Studio (Photo: Flavia Rossi)

The Laboratory of the Future

In the first video, Alma Du Solier and Walter Hood speak about Hood Design Studio's installation in the Giardini, Natives, that was inspired by a landscape in South Carolina where the studio has worked on a speculative project for wooden houses near Charleston. The second film moves to the Arsenale, where Emmanuel Petit talks about the process-based installation of Sweetwater Foundation, which also contributed a standalone pavilion at Forte Maghera. The third and last film from Lesley Lokko's The Laboratory of the Future embedded below features one of the Curator's Special Projects: Arinjoy Sen's Bengali Song, a woven triptych made with traditional artisans in Bengal, India.

“Biennale Architettura 2023 - Hood Design Studio”

National Pavilions

The winners of the Golden Lions were announced back in May, when the Biennale opened to the public, but the short films on the winning national pavilions were made available just last week. First is curators Gabriela de Matos and Paulo Tavares speaking about Terra [Earth], the Brazilian pavilion that won the Golden Lion. Second is Great Britain's Dancing Before the Moon, which received a special mention and is described in the video by Sevra Davis from the British Council, the pavilion's commissioner.

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