Whither Architectural Criticism?

John Hill | 13. October 2020
Image courtesy of FIU

The conversations, hosted by FIU's David Rifkind (Architecture) and Dan Evans (Journalism + Media), aim to address the questions: "What is the state of architectural criticism today? How should criticism change to respond to the major crises of our time?" The half-dozen US critics they invited to speak via Zoom are a diverse group:

  • Kate Wagner, founder of McMansion Hell and critic for the New Republic
  • Lee Bey, author, photographer, and former Chicago Sun-Times architectural critic
  • Christopher Hawthorne, Chief Design Officer for the City of Los Angeles and former critic for the Los Angeles Times
  • Mimi Zeiger, Los Angeles-based critic, educator, and curator
  • Inga Saffron, Philadelphia Inquirer architectural critic and winner of the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for criticism
  • Alastair Gordon, former Miami Herald architectural critic

The available archived talks are embedded below, but they can also be found on FIU's website.

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