All photographs by John Hill/World-Architects
A recent visit to the Fondazione Querini Stampalia — always a must while in Venice for the Biennale — yielded an unexpected find: models by the winner and finalists in the DoorScape international architecture contest displayed in the ground-floor spaces remodeled by Carlo Scarpa.
As an architectural writer, I tend to learn about competitions through emails, press releases, websites, and the like. It's not often that I become aware of one by stepping inside a building. But that is just what happened when, while in Venice for the vernissage of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition, I came across the exhibition DoorScape: The Space Beyond the Threshold inside the Fondazione Querini Stampalia. Most architects know the institution less for the house museum that occupies its upper floors or its expansive library, but for the entrance hall, main hall, and garden renovated by Carlo Scarpa in the early 1960s. These spaces, which beautifully incorporate the rising waters that are a fact of life in Venice, are now referred to by the museum as the “Scarpa Area” and make a fitting setting for exhibiting architectural models. Below are photographs from my brief visit to DoorScape, which is on display, like the Biennale, until November 26, 2023.