Winners of 2022 Modernism in America Awards
John Hill | 14. September 2022
Hotel Marcel, previously featured as a US Building of the Week. (Photo: Bruce Redman Becker, FAIA)
The United States chapter of Docomomo has announced the twelve recipients of the 2022 Modernism in America Awards: 6 Awards of Excellence and 6 Citations of Merit.
Now in it's ninth year, Docomomo US's annual Modernism in America Awards serve to "highlight the best in preservation practice by today’s architects, designers, preservation professionals and advocates." The 2022 winners, listed below, include building restorations but also a sculpture, a multimedia project, and even a preservationist. Click the links to learn more about the winning projects on the Docomomo US website.
- Stockmayer House (Norwich, Vermont)
- Peavey Plaza (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
- Hotel Marcel (New Haven, Connecticut)
- UMassBRUT (Amherst and Dartmouth, MA)
- Pioneering Women in American Architecture (New York City)
- Eugenia Woo (Seattle, Washington)
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, previously featured as a US Building of the Week. (Photo: Robert Benson, courtesy of Mecanoo)
CITATIONS OF MERIT:- Clauss Haus II at Little Switzerland (Knoxville, Tennessee)
- Gagarin II (Litchfield, Connecticut)
- Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (Washington, DC)
- Oakland Monster (Oakland, California)
- Lucabe Coffee Co. (Columbus, Indiana)
- SurveyLA Historic Context Statement 1919-1980 (Los Angeles)