Jessica Glombowski
Project Management / M. A. Strategische Gestaltung / B. A. Industrial Design
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M. A. Strategische Gestaltung
B. A. Industrial Design

Ralph Kellenberger
creative director | partner | eidg. dipl.innenarchitekt | eidg. dipl. schreiner | VSI.ASAI.
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Every designer has their own recipes. For me, every project starts with perfect insight and understanding of the wishes, needs and personality of a client for a first briefing.
As a trained carpenter, I am convinced that only things that were made with a profound knowledge of materials and their composition will last. I strive for functional, timeless design with pure details, made for the unique personality of my clients.
I am always aware that good design is created within a dialogue. The fact that I am in the position to direct this process inspires me every day.
As a son of a Croatian mother and a father from Appenzell, I grew up in the beautiful city of St. Gallen. I had to learn to combine different influences from an early age. When I was six years old, I was allowed to spend some time in my grandfather’s carpentry shop, where I internalised the process of working with raw materials. My journey from carpentry to planning gives me a broad range of knowledge, which I can constantly expand upon. The aspiration to constantly rethink and implement the work as a common thread has become my passion.

Pia Muhmenthaler
Project Management / Project Management Senior
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„Architektur sollte immer Ausdruck ihrer Zeit und Umwelt sein, jedoch nach Zeitlosigkeit streben.
Schon während meiner Ausbildung als Hochbauzeichnerin hab ich versucht immer das Ganze zu sehen, nicht nur einzelnen Elementen Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken sondern alles rundherum zu berücksichtigen, um einen wohlfühlenden spannenden Raum zu erschaffen.
Um eine ins ich stimmige Atmosphäre zu kreieren benötigt es viel Empathie, Geduld, Gespür, Liebe, Hingabe und Mut, damit etwas Zeitloses entstehen kann.
Schau aus dem Fenster, alle Formen, Farben, Strukturen und Oberflächen finden sich in der Natur. Die Kunst ist das wesentliche auszusuchen und im richtigen Kontext zu vereinen.
Ich bin nach meiner Lehre dem Bau immer treu geblieben, sei es als Entwurfsarchitektin, Projektleiterin, Bauführerin und schlussendlich in der Erwachsenenbildung rund um den Bau. Es fasziniert mich wie neues erschaffen wird und altes zeitgemäss verändert wird ohne seinen Scharm und Charakter zu verlieren.
Meine Inspirationen für neue Ideen finde ich in der Natur wo ich mein Gleichgewicht finde und Energie tanken kann, beim Sport wo Körper, Geist und Seele in vollständiger Koordination wirken und in Begegnungen und Gesprächen mit Menschen die ich kenne oder mir fremd sind.

Mauro Salerno
Project Management/ eidg. dipl.innenarchitekt
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My professional goal is to become an architect which will meet the needs of today’s society, environment and economy. Architecture should hold the ideals – the aesthetic values, the moral values – of the place in which the structure is being built and contribute to the daily life of the people surrounding it.
The architect must cover not only the practical needs of the people, but must create meaningful places. Knowledge, memory, perception and interpretation can be significant design-defining instruments. I believe that architects who are responsible for building, in any environment, should take this into consideration. They should preserve the memory of what is important for the people there. This is the starting point that offers a place to pick up and translate into the modern day.
In my studies of architecture, I have gained many experiences with this in mind; I hope to deepen my acquired knowledge from this exciting period, now at my internship at COCC.