Elías Rizo
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Born in Mexico city in 1967. Graduated in 1992 from ITESO (Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios superiores de Occidente) with a degree in architecture ; during his studies in college he obtained a honorable mention from the “International Student competition in 1991”- Monument and Counterpoint- given by RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) In London, Engalnd. In 1995 he studied a postgraduate named “Chicago, Urban Translations”. Then in 1996 he completed a Master named “La Gran Escala”, and a postgraduate “ Els Nous Instruments de L’Arquitectura” In the UPC (Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya) in Barcelona, España.
In 1996 he established Elias Rizo Arquitectos. His work has been published in several magazines and books. At the present time he develops projects all around Mexico.

Alejandro Rizo
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Born in Mexico City in 1978. Graduated in 2005 from ITESO (Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente) with a degree in architecture. As a Student in 2003 he won the first place in ARPAFIL international competition “Mexican Film Museum in Guadalajara” with the project “Defensa del Perímetro” . In 2009 he obtained a master degree “Laboratorio de la Vivienda del Siglo XXI” from Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya in Bracelona, España.
In 2005 he became partner of Elias Rizo Arquitectos.