Gabu Heindl
Head of office
Show Biography
Dr. Gabu Heindl
Architect, Urbanist, Teacher, Activist and Civil Engineer
Since 2007 director of GABU Heindl Architektur in Vienna, which specializes in realizations of public cultural and social buildings, urban planning as well as research and publications on planning policy and public space.
2019/2020 Diploma Unit Master at AA, Architectural Association London
Since 2018 Visiting Professor at the University of Sheffield
Since 2007 Teaching at the Institute for Art and Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2004-2007 Assistant Professor at TU Graz
2002-2004 Teaching master studio at TU Delft and a masterclass at Berlage Institute in Rotterdam
2001-2003 Design architect, de Architekten Cie., Amsterdam and Diller+Scofidio, New York
Since 2018 Member of advisory board for architecture, City of Wels
Since 2017 Board member of Wienwoche – Vienna Festival for Art and Activism
2013-2017 President of ÖGFA – Austrian Society for Architecture
2011-2015 Member of Advisory board, of Federal Real-Estate Property company
2011-2013 Member of advisory board for architecture, City of Linz
Since 2008 Board member of ÖGFA, Austrian Society for Architecture
Academic Studies
Doctor of Philosophy, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Architecture studies at Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Exchange studies at Geidai Universityat Tokyo, Japan
Fulbright Scholar | Postgraduate Studies od Master of Architecture and Urban Design at Princeton University, USA
Stadtkonflikte. Radikale Demokratie in Architektur und Stadtplanung, Gabu Heindl, Wien: Mandelbaum, 2020
Building Critique. Architecture and its Discontents, Gabu Heindl, Michael Klein, Christina Linortner (Eds.), Leipzig: Spector Books, 2019
Spielräume | free play, Exhibition Reader, Graz: HDA Verlag, 2015
Das Geschäft mit der Stadt, Umbau 28, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur (Hg.), Basel: Birkhäuser, 2015
Just Architecture!, Guest editor of ERA21. 2012 #1, Prag 2012
Position Everyday. Architecture in the context of everyday life, Gabu Heindl, Markus Bogensberger (Eds.), Graz: HDA Verlag, 2009
Five Platforms, Five Ecologies, Review VI, Eds. Institute for Art and Architecture, Salzburg: Verlag Anton Pustet, 2008
Arbeit Zeit Raum. Bilder und Bauten der Arbeit im Postfordismus, Gabu Heindl (Ed.), Wien: turia+kant, 2008
For more publications in books, magazines, newspapers, see:
Publication | gabuheindl.at