With the line of three “crane houses” in Cologne’s Rheinauhafen, loosely based on El Lissitzky’s utopian “Cloud-irons” dating from 1924, a new typology of skyscraper has been created. The already completed Crane House 1 provides the public on the Rhine bank promenade not only with the classical plaza in from of a cubic tower. The pure cube is rather interrupted sculpturally and does not realise its much greater volume until far above the ninth floor: as a slender 70-metre-long horizontal boom, not as a tower. The promenade does not lead past the building but right through it. With its dynamic form and in its association with the original historic loading cranes, the building sets a prominent sign of the onset of an architectural commitment of the city by the river.
BRT Architekten, Bothe · Richter · Teherani, Hamburg
(auf Grundlage der Entwürfe des Workshops der ARGE 1. Preisträger Rheinauhafen Köln: „Bothe Richter Teherani, Busmann und Haberer, Linster, Schneider-Wessling und Abbing“ vom April 1993)
Kranhaus Nord: PANDION AG, Köln
Kranhaus Mitte: Development Partner AG, Düsseldorf
Kranhaus Süd: Deutsche Immobilien AG, Rostock
moderne stadt Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Städtebaues und der Gemeindeentwicklung mbH, Köln
Start of construction
October 2006
May 2010
Office, Residential
Gross Area
Kranhaus Nord: 26.858 sqm
Kranhaus Mitte: 22.680,30 sqm
Kranhaus Süd: 22.680,30 sqm
Jörg Hempel, Aachen