Claudia Berger-Koch

Senior Partner / Managing Director
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Dipl. Kauffrau (Degree in Business Administration)
Senior Partner HPP Architekten GmbH
Managing Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH
Managing Director of all German subsidiaries

Claudia Berger-Koch was born in Wipperfürth in 1967. Following her training as a bank clerk, she took a degree in business administration from 1989 to 1994 at the University of the Saarland in Saarbruecken, she then went on to take an MBA, which included a period of study at the University of Michigan. Between 1994 and 2001 she worked as a business consultant for OC&C Strategy Consultants in Dusseldorf (a McKinsey spin-off) and was in charge of projects dealing with strategy, organization, process re-design and mergers and acquisitions.

Claudia Berger-Koch has been a director of HPP Service GmbH since 2001 and managing director since 2006, in which capacity she is responsible for the business management of the HPP companies. Furthermore, she became a shareholder of HPP Architekten GmbH in 2020, in 2024 she was appointed Managing Director of HPP Architekten GmbH as well as HPP International.

Volker Biermann

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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Partner HPP Architekten GmbH / Head of Office Stuttgart

After his architectural studies, Volker Biermann worked as project architect and project manager at Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner. In 2003 he went to Tiemann-Petri & Partner working as a project manager and team leader. In 2005 he came to HPP working as a project manager and head of office at HPP Laage & Partner Planungsgesellschaft in Stuttgart. Since 2010 Volker Biermann is project partner at HPP Architekten GmbH, in 2018 he was appointed Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH.

Volker Biermann is a member of the Chamber of Architects in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Robert Bönsch

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Dipl-Ing- Architect
Partner HPP Architekten GmbH / Head of Office Cologne

Robert Bönsch was born in Leipzig in 1976. After studying at RWTH Aachen University and NTNU Trondheim in Norway, Robert Bönsch initially worked on major projects at JSWD Architekten and later co-managed them. In 2011, he joined HPP Architekten in the Cologne office where he has been working as project manager and amongst others also as head of competition and in acquisition. He was appointed Associate Partner in 2018 and Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH in 2024. He has been office manager at the Cologne office since 2023.

Bönsch is a member of the Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Stefan Erb

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Dipl-Ing. Architect
Partner HPP Architekten GmbH / Head of Office Munich

Stefan Erb was born in Lahr/Schwarzwald in 1973. After his architectural studies at the Technical University of Munich and at the University of Bath, he initially worked as a design architect and site manager at Padoplan GmbH in Munich from 2003 to 2018. Due to further qualification and training, the fields of implementation planning, fire protection planning and finally the management of the architecture department at Padoplan were added. He came to HPP in 2018 and worked in the Munich office as project, construction and office manager. 2021, he was appointed Associate Partner and in 2024 he was appointed Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH.

Erb is a member of the Chamber of Architects in Bavaria.

Matthias Faber

Senior Partner
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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Senior Partner HPP Architekten GmbH

After studying architecture, Matthias Faber worked in design and execution planning for the firm kadawittfeldarchitektur in Aachen. After that he was employed as team leader for design in the firm BRT Bothe Richter Teherani in Hamburg and at KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten in Cologne. He came to HPP in 2014, where he is manager of the design department at the Dusseldorf location. In 2020 he was initially appointed Associate Partner and in 2022 Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH. In 2024, he became a new member of the HPP Architekten GmbH shareholder group as Senior Partner.

Faber is a member of the Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Götz Gagelmann

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Dipl.-Ing. Civil engineering
Partner HPP Architekten GmbH

Götz Gagelmann was born in Lüneburg in 1972. He completed his civil engineering studies at the Technical University of Hanover. In 2000 he came to HPP and started in the HPP project supervision department in Hamburg, where after a short time he worked as a project manager and later as head of the Hamburg project supervision department. As a project manager, he was responsible for many major projects, including the Bayarena Leverkusen, the Clariant Innovation Center in Frankfurt and the restructuring of the entire Unicredit branch network. In 2023 he was appointed partner at HPP Architekten GmbH.

Sebastian Helm

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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Partner at HPP Architekten GmbH
Head of Office HPP Leipzig

Sebastian Helm was born in 1969 in Ilmenau. Following his architectural studies at the Bauhaus University at Weimar and at the Università degli Studi di Firenze (University of Florence) he worked as a self-employed architect in Leipzig. In 1997 he joined HPP in Leipzig to work on competitions, draft and execution planning. He was promoted to Project Leader in 1998 and in 2013 was appointed Head of Office. In 2015 he became Project Partner at HPP Architekten GmbH. In 2018, Helm was appointed Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH.

Sebastian Helm is a member of the Saxony Chamber of Architects.

Steffen Huhn

Managing Director
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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Managing Director of HPP International Planungsgesellschaft mbH
Head of Project Management

Steffen Huhn was born in Munich in 1967. Following his studies in architecture at the Technical University in Berlin (TU Berlin) he worked in various practices and as a self-employed architect, all in Berlin.
In 2002 he joined HPP Bau- und Projektmanagement in Berlin, where he started as deputy Project Leader and from 2005 onwards he was Project Leader for Project Control and Project Management. In September 2011 HPP Bau- und Projektmanagement merged with HPP International Planungsgesellschaft mbH. Steffen Huhn took charge of the Berlin office in 2012. In 2015 he was appointed Managing Director of HPP International Planungsgesellschaft and is responsible for Project Management.

Steffen Huhn is a member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects.

Burkhard Junker

Senior Partner / Managing Director
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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Senior Partner / Managing Director of HPP Architekten GmbH

Burkhard Junker was born in Munich in 1964. After studying civil engineering and architecture at the Technical University of Munich, he started working as architect and project manager at Winkler, Effinger und Partner and for Professor Arno Bonanni in Berlin. After several jobs as client representative at DaimlerChrysler Real Estate, partner and member of the management board at ATP Achammer - Tritthart & Partner, he became managing director at OBERMEYER Planen und Beraten. After numerous stays abroad and international projects, he joined the shareholder circle of HPP Architekten, where he became the manager of the Munich office in 2014 and senior partner in 2018, managing director in 2023.

Burkhard Junker is a member of the Chamber of Architects in Bavaria.

Manuel Kamptz

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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Head of Construction Management Mitte Süd

Manuel Kamptz, born in Bottrop in 1975, initially worked for Höhler+Partner in Bremen after studying architecture at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, before working as a freelance architect for Faktor Baumanagement on projects particularly in work phases 6 to 8. He joined HPP in 2017 and worked as a freelancer in the areas of project management and site supervision. In 2022, Manuel Kamptz was appointed Associate Partner and took over as Head of Construction Management Mitte Süd. In 2024 he was appointed Partner at HPP Architekten.

Kamptz is a member of the Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Stephan Kauert

Senior Partner / Managing Director
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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Senior Partner HPP Architekten GmbH
Managing Director of HPP Generalplanung GmbH

Stephan Kauert, born in 1966 in Düren, after his apprenticeship in joinery, he studied architecture, philosophy and history in Aachen. Following a period of self-employment with Bäuml & Kauert, in 2007 he joined Höhler and Partner on a freelance basis. In 2014 he came to HPP, working in the general planning department. Since 2017, Mr Kauert has been in charge of Construction Management and in 2018, he was appointed Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH. From 2020 to 2022, as Managing Director of HPP International Planungsgesellschaft mbH, he was also responsible for the Lead Consulting. He was appointed as Managing Director of HPP Generalplanung GmbH since 2022 as well as a member of the HPP Architekten GmbH group of shareholders since 2023.

Kauert is a member of the Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Jens Kump

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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Project Partner HPP International Architektur Consult Ltd. Shanghai
Head of Office HPP Shanghai

Jens Kump was born in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1969. Following an apprenticeship as mason in Frankfurt, he studied Architecture at the Technical University of Dresden and the Escuela Técnica Superior de Sevilla. In 1999 he started at HPP Leipzig as project director before he went to Shanghai in 2006 where he became the office director. Since 2014, he is a project partner of HPP International Architektur Consult Ltd. Shanghai.

Jens Kump is a member of the Chamber of Architects in Saxony.

Remigiusz Otrzonsek

Senior Partner
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Dipl.- Ing. Architect
Senior Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH
Head of Office HPP Cologne

Remigiusz Otrzonsek was born in 1962 in Breslau, Poland. He completed his architectural studies at the Technische Hochschule in Breslau and the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule in Aachen. At the beginning of the 1990s, he worked in the office of JSK. He came to HPP in 1992. Since 1999 he has directed the Cologne office and been a project partner, became an associate of HPP in 2007 and senior partner in 2018.

Otrzonsek is a member of the Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-West-

Jörg Reich


Birgit Schlösser

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Dipl.-Ing. Architektin
Partnerin HPP Architektin GmbH

Birgit Schlösser wurde 1965 in Köln geboren. Nach ihrem Architekturstudium an der Fachhochschule Köln arbeitete sie zunächst als Architektin bei Erich Schneider-Wessling und Molestina + Kraus. Anschließend war sie 20 Jahre international tätig mit Stationen in Frankreich, England, Spanien, Süd- und Nordamerika. Von 1992 bis 1997 arbeitete sie im Büro Santiago Calatrava Valls in der Projektleitung, bevor sie von 1998 bis 2012 im Büro Estudio Lamela in Madrid als Assoziierte Partnerin und Mitglied der Geschäftsführung tätig war. In dieser Zeit absolvierte sie ein MBA Studium an der Instituto de Empresa Madrid. Ab 2012 war sie als freie Mitarbeiterin und Projektleiterin für Estudio Lamela tätig. 2014 kam Birgit Schlösser zu HPP, wo sie die Projektleitung mit Schwerpunkt Koordination und Organisation in der Generalplanung übernahm, 2018 zur Associate Partnerin und 2020 zur Partnerin der HPP Architekten GmbH berufen wurde.

Birgit Schlösser ist Mitglied der Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Klaus Schmidt

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Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
Partner HPP Architekten GmbH

Klaus Schmidt wurde 1965 in Stuttgart geboren. Nach seinem Architekturstudium an der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart sowie der Universität Kaiserslautern arbeitete er von 1992 – 1994 bei HPP in Köln und Stuttgart. Unter anderem nach einer Station im Ateliers Jean Novel in Paris führte er als Inhaber das Büro ROOM X Architekten GbR und leitete ab 2009 das D&R Studio Frankfurt für das Büro ATP Frankfurt Planungs GmbH, wo er 2012 zum Associate Partner ernannt wurde. 2017 hat Klaus Schmidt als Büroleiter den HPP Standort Frankfurt übernommen, um diesen für zukünftige Aufgaben zu entwickeln. 2019 wurde er zunächst zum Associate Partner und 2020 zum Partner der HPP Architekten GmbH berufen.

Klaus Schmidt ist Mitglied der Architektenkammern Baden-Wüttemberg und Hessen.

Bugrahan Sirin

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Architect BArch
Partner HPP International Turkey

After his studies Buğrahan Şirin worked in Turkey, Germany, Russia, and the Netherlands with direct involvement in planning and construction of large-scale urban design and high-rise projects. In 2007 Şirin joined HPP realizing national and international projects of various types and scales. He is currently managing the Istanbul office of HPP. In 2018 he was initially appointed Associate Partner and in 2022 Partner of HPP International Turkey.

Werner Sübai

Senior Partner
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Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Senior Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH

Sübai was born in 1962 in Düsseldorf. He completed his architectural studies at the Bergische University in Wuppertal. After working in the office of Overdieck and Petzinka in the 1980s, he came to HPP in 1989, where he has worked as project partner since 1999, as an associate in the Düsseldorf office since 2008 and has been senior partner since 2018. Since the 1990s he has been chiefly responsible for monitoring the growth markets of China and Eastern Europe.

Sübai is a member of the Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia. He was awarded with the Saxon State Prize for Architecture for the restoration of the Leipzig Central Train Station in 1999.

Antonino Vultaggio

Senior Partner
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Dipl.- Ing. Architect
Senior Partner of HPP Architekten GmbH

Antonino Vultaggio was born in Offenbach in 1972. After his studies in Frankfurt a.M. he worked in the office of KSP Jürgen Engel Architects. In 2010 he came to HPP where he managed the attendance in design competitions as Head of Design. Antonino Vultaggio is project partner since 2012, partner since 2018 and was appointed to the circle of shareholders as senior partner of HPP Architekten GmbH in 2021.

His diploma thesis was honoured with the AIV-Frankfurt Prize and the Bruno Taut Prize.

Vultaggio is a member of the chamber of Architects and Town Planners in Hessen, Germany.

Yu Wei

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M.Sc. Architecture Management
Project Partner HPP International Architektur Consult Ltd. Shanghai
Head of Office HPP Shanghai

Yu Wei was born in Nanjing, China in 1979. After his studies of Architecture Management at Nanjing University of Technology, China and the University of Birmingham, UK, he worked as a Project Manager in the offices Shanghai Xiandai Architecture Design (Group) Co. Ltd. and GM Assistant in AREP China before joining HPP International Shanghai in 2008. Since 2014, he is a project partner of HPP International Architektur Consult Ltd. Shanghai and leads the Shanghai office together with Jens Kump.