This eleven-storey residential tower is situated on the northern bank of the Kaiserkai in Hamburg‘s HafenCity. This exposed location offers a beautiful view of downtown Hamburg, the Speicherstadt and the harbour. Following an analysis of the site-specific wind conditions an elliptical building form was selected as the most suitable.
The wave form of the glass façade and balconies was optimised according to views and sun altitudes. Each floor level can provide up to three apartments with sizes varying between 60 and 125 m². The apartments can be combined. The tower and the adjacent six-storey office building were completed in 2008.
Execution 2006 – 2009
GFA 5.450 m²
11 Storeys
GbR d.quai, c/o Imetas GmbH
General Planning
ingenhoven architects
ingenhoven architects, Düsseldorf
Team: Christoph Ingenhoven, Barbara Bruder, Maja Heitkemper, Stephan Kohlrausch, Richard Czardybon, Nicole Mikolaytzak, Gunnar Möller, Peter Pistorius, Martin Reuter, Tom Wendlinger, Dieter Wieberneit
Structural Engineering
Wetzel & von Seht, Hamburg
Facade Consultant
Gödde Architekt, Neuss
Building Services
Pinck Ingenieure Consulting GmbH, Hamburg
Soils Investigation
IGB Ingenieurgesellschaft MBH, Hamburg
Hanack & Partner, Hamburg
Building Physics
DS-Plan, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr
Fire Protection
IBF – Ingenieurbüro für Brandschutz an Fassaden, Leipzig
Wind Investigation
Institut für Industrieaerodynamik IFI, Aachen
Lighting Artificial- and Daylight
Tropp Lighting Design, Weilheim
Landscape Architecture
ingenhoven architects
Transportation Systems
Project Management
Möser Projekt GbR, Düsseldorf
H.G. Esch
G. Wrage
P. Breuer
BDA Preis Hamburg 2010, 2nd prize
BEX – The Building Exchange Awards 2009