Jakob Eckert
Member of the Management Team
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Born in 1976, studied architecture at BTU Cottbus, TU Delft and the University of Stuttgart, after positions at Kauffmann Theilig & Partner and hg merz architekten, now working at jangled nerves since 2009, member of the management team since 2019.

Marcus Groß
Member of the Management Team
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Born in 1973, studied business informatics at Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences, worked at jangled nerves from 2001 to 2009, after hiatus working in film production and advertising, returned to jangled nerves in 2012, member of the management team since 2019.

Thomas Hundt
Managing Partner
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Born in 1967, studied mechanical engineering at the TU München and architecture at the University Stuttgart. Since 1998 managing partner of jangled nerves. Since 2004 professorship for media + space at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Stuttgart University of Applied Science.

Ingo Zirngibl
Managing Partner
Show Biography
Born in 1965, studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and Aberdeen‘s Robert Gordon University, Managing Partner of jangled nerves since 1998, lectureship at the Stuttgart Media University from 2006-2009.