A film by OchoReSotto. Venice, 2021
Video © OchoReSotto
Venice Biennial Architecture exhibition “Time Space Existence” 2021
Photo © Sara Sera
Venice Biennial Architecture exhibition “Time Space Existence” 2021
Photo © Sara Sera
Venice Biennial Architecture exhibition “Time Space Existence” 2021
Photo © Sara Sera
Berlin 2022
Photo © Sara Sera
Berlin 2022
Photo © Sara Sera
Berlin 2022
Photo © Sara Sera
Vienna Design Week 2020
Photo © Sara Sera
Vienna Design Week 2020
Photo © Sara Sera
Biennale meets ROMA - Burgau 2022
Photo © Sara Sera
LAUFEN Innovation Centre Gmunden, 2020
Photo © Sara Sera
LAUFEN Innovation Centre Gmunden, 2020
© Sara Sera
Drawing © LOVE architecture and urbanism


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Berlin, Germany

Handmade, bold, big, white, complex, strong, abstract, photogenic, artistic, decorative, interest- ing, symbolical 186 ceramic tubes forming a spherical sculpture – forming N186. To make a long story short: we LOVE to do the things we do and this one is our newest Love: N186

N186 was designed by LOVE architects, specially for the Venice Biennial Architecture exhibition “Time Space Existence”, approaching new boundaries outside of a classical architecture firm by working with new materials such as ceramic.
The seemingly crystalline object with a total diameter of 2700 millimeters was manufactured by Laufen in Gmunden, Austria by using SaphirKeramik - one of the latest, globally significant innova- tions used when a design includes very delicate, thin-walled shapes and tight radii, which in the past were generally realized using mineral casting, glass or enamelled steel.

With a simultaneous mix of fragility, stability, centrality, spectrality, and explosiveness that is de- termined by the play of light, the object combines various aspects of architectural creativity: con- cept, material, design, technology, and the precise realization thereof.

In the Venice exhibition “Time Space Existence” N186 will be overlaid with projected light by OchoReSotto that immerses it in a continuously changing sequence of new atmospheric levels of meaning. Striving to create a room of pleasant surrounding atmosphere, sound will be added.

Other Projects by LOVE architecture and urbanism

Vienna, Austria
Shopping Mall Gerngross
Wien, Austria
Climate Protection Supermarket
Graz, Austria
Graz, Austria
50Hertz Headquarter
Berlin, Germany