- Feel good textiles
Curtain up!
Discreet or extravagant: fabrics enliven the interior and create a mood. Small and large textile companies surprise with unusual designs. A sensual story. - read more
- Author: Monika Bachmann
- Publisher: Tamedia Sonderbeilage Home

- Harmonious atmosphere
The health and medical treatment of diseases are important issues that have become even more evident in the last two years. When it comes to construction projects for the healthcare sector, architects are also concerned with the question of how structural structures can create an ideal environment that improves the work processes of medical staff. Interior designers develop concepts for healthcare facilities that can promote health and recovery through specific materials and color combinations. Especially in the case of mental illnesses, the selection of certain design elements can contribute to an improvement in mood and general condition. A pleasant environment is fundamentally conducive to the healing process of diseases and injuries.
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- Publisher: Architektur International

- Fortimo AG - The feel-good office
The goal of Fortimo: All employees should have access to a modern working environment with various meeting and retreat options. Even during work, employees should be able to enjoy a moment of warmth and comfort. The interiors are designed by the Swiss interior design studio Moomii Interior Design. The unique signature of Moomii is intended to reflect the values of Fortimo AG. »Our interior design thrives on the right amount of contrast. Rooms in dark tones do not have to be gloomy. With the right lighting, they feel really cosy,” says Moomii of its architectural style.
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- Publisher: Hasenkopf

- Modern working worlds in focus
The Moomii Interior Design Studio from Winterthur was hired for conception and advice, implementation and detailed planning, color and material selection, lighting and furniture in the Fortimo headquarters in the Neudorf-Center. The architect duo Michael Sollberger and Mona Dolpp have already realized renowned projects in Germany and abroad.
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- Publisher: Leader Special

- A case for Interior Design
The concept with open spaces is determined by earthy tones and natural materials - with the aim of creating a secure living atmosphere that harmonises with the view of the city of Zurich.
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- Author: Lina Giusto
- Publisher: Traumhaus

- A sparkle in the eye....
A sparkle in the eye of the customer is the best compliment that the interior design studio Moomii can reap for their work. Those who place their premises in the hands of the design studio can sit back and relax while a tailor-made concept is created and implemented from A to Z. Whether conversion or new construction, facelift or complete solution - with great attention to detail, a trained eye and the feeling for a harmonious overall atmosphere, Mona Dolpp and Michael Sollberger create rooms and living worlds that trigger and inspire emotions.
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- Author: Silja Cammarata
- Publisher: Raum und Wohnen

- We need to talk!
Conference rooms can be tiring or intimidating. Or they become places of creative communication. That depends on the team, the boss, the weather - but also the Interior Design determines whether the exchange works. How great that there are experts who are happy to share their knowledge.
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- Author: Karin Jaeger
- Publisher: AD Architectural Digest