Touring the splendor of the redesigned rooms of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, visitors are reintroduced to a selection of 900 treasures from the museum’s Ancient Art and Renaissance Collections. Impressive spatial landscapes, particular color palettes and impressive lighting direct the visitors’ gaze to the central themes of ancient and renaissance empires which fascinate us to this day.

The proximity of the Ancient Arts and the Renaissance collections promotes cross-cultural and cross-epochal dialogue. Transitioning from Ancient Egypt into the realm of the classical Greeks and Romans and finally to Renaissance Europe allows for cultural anthropological connections to form between different societies and eras.

The Renaissance rooms directly proceed at the end of the Ancient Art wing and it is through this adjacency that the aesthetic of this period can be understood as rebirth of the antiquities. Many renaissance objects and artworks present similar artistic preoccupations as their ancient counterparts.

Each room of the new permanent exhibition received a new distinct identity. Key specialty presentations were supported by the restrained spatial architecture and facilitate new interactions between the displayed exhibition pieces.

630 m² GFA

Architecture Services LPH 1-9
Artifact/Exhibit Presentation
Graphic Design
Media Design

Production Timeline
August 2011 – August 2012

August 2012

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg

Tobias Wille

Ancient Art and Renaissance – Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe

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Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany

Other Projects by neumann schneider architekten PartG mbB 

The Savage Eye
Oslo, Norway
Myth of Olympia – Cult and Games
Berlin, Germany
Schönheit im alten Ägypten
Trier, Germany
Göttinnen des Jugendstils
Karlsruhe, Germany
Neugestaltung Dauerausstellung und Foyer
Braunschweig, Germany