Prof. Dipl.- Ing. Hans Nickl
Architect, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
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Studies at TU Munich
1979 own office in Munich, main focus "buildings for sick persons and handicapped people"
1988 Architects Nickl & Partners
University teaching position "design of buildings for healthcare", TU Munich
1992-03 Professor at University of Applied Science, Erfurt, „construction design"
2004 Guest Professor at TU Berlin

Dipl.- Ing. Hieronimus Nickl
Architect, Member of the Managing Board
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Hieronimus Nickl graduated from the degree course in architecture at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences in 2003. In 2008, he completed an MBA programme in International Hospital and Healthcare Management at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management with a master’s degree.
Hieronimus Nickl joined Nickl & Partner Architekten in 2003 and has worked since 2005 as a project manager and team leader specialising in international projects.

Prof. Dipl.- Ing. Christine Nickl-Weller
Architect, Chairman of Management Board
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Studies at TU Munich
Main focus "experimental house building and urban planning"
1988 Architects Nickl & Partners
1993 Director at Nickl & Partners
2004 Professorship at TU Berlin, „design of hospitals and buildings of healthcare"

Dr. Dipl.- Ing. Benjamin Rämmler
Architect, Member of the Managing Board
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Benjamin Rämmler completed his architectural studies at the Bauhaus University in Weimar in 2002. He worked in the specialist field of Design of Hospitals and Healthcare Buildings at the Technical University in Berlin from 2004 until 2010 and obtained his doctorate in engineering in 2010. Since 2003, he has worked for Nickl & Partner Architekten and took over management of the Berlin branch in 2010.

Dipl.-Ing. Harald Stieber MsC
Member of the Board
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Harald Stieber completed his civil engineering and construction management studies in 2002 and then worked in technical management at the University Clinic of Vienna General Hospital, one of Europe’s largest hospitals. As building technology division manager, he handled numerous project management assignments for Vienna Hospital Association clinics. He subsequently took over the expansion and management of an international construction planning unit, becoming responsible for general planning and physical implementation of numerous international clinics. Harald Stieber was also involved in business development and the build-up of a Healthcare division for a renowned European construction company before he joined the management of Nickl & Partner Architekten AG in the autumn of 2017.