Thomas Gasser
Founding partner/CEO of obermoser + partner architekten zt gmbh
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Architect Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Gasser
1962 born in Tirol
1990 graduates at the Faculty of Architecture Innsbruck
1992 post-graduate-study at the Columbia University, New York
1992 master of science in advanced architectural design
collaborates with Schönthaler, Innsbruck,
collaborates with Mayr-Keber, Vienna
1995 collaborates with Loudon, Vienna
2004 collaborates with Katzberger, Vienna
2004 joins obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh | architektur
2020 founding partner/CEO of obermoser + partner architekten zt gmbh
Alexander Gastager
Founding partner/CEO of obermoser + partner architekten zt gmbh
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Architect Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Gastager
1980 born in Salzburg
1996 apprenticeship as a construction draftsman
collaborates with Architect Wolfgang Weiser
2012 graduates at the Faculty of Architecture Innsbruck
collaborates with various architecture firms in Austria and Germany
2012 joins obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh | architektur
2015 civil engineering examination for architecture
2020 founding partner/CEO of obermoser + partner architekten zt gmbh
Christoph Neuner
CEO obermoser+partner architekten zt gmbh
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Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Neuner
1960 geboren in Tirol
1988 Diplom an der Architekturfakultät Innsbruck
Praxis Lichtstudio Bartenbach
Architekturbüro Schweighofer
Architekturbüro Fessler
1989 Eintritt obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh | architektur
Projektleiter bei zahlreichen Bauprojekten
2020 Gründung obermoser + partner architekten zt gmbh

Johann Obermoser
Founding partner/CEO of obermoser + partner architekten zt gmbh
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Architect Dipl.-Ing. Johann Obermoser
1954 born in Tirol
1978 graduates at Faculty of Architecture Innsbruck
1978 collaborates with architect Sepp Müller, Vienna
1983 founder of Johann Obermoser, architecture office Innsbruck
2005 founder of obermoser arch-omo zt gmbh | architektur
2020 founding partner/CEO of obermoser + partner architekten zt gmbh