What is has always been. What was has always been. What will be has always been. Nothing can really be given presence unless it already exists potentially.
The project situates itself within the historic territory that has been shaped by sand and wind, the flow of water and people over millennia. It reinterprets the agricultural pattern of walls dissolving towards the outskirts of the historic city. Through a series of interventions that define space through the addition and integration of different types of walls–and charging its articulations with meaning–the project offers a modern, comfortable space in dialogue with its own past and future. Modern technologies like a geothermal system and wind-power generators make sure that the architecture partakes in sustaining the civilization it cradles and fosters for generations to come. The architecture galvanizes the rich environment, and the experiences offered into an intimate space that strikes a balance between maintaining what is precious and enriching it with permanence, comfort, and a sensation of synchronicity with its own culture and environment.
Competition, award winning project, 1. Prize