E-World 2015 - Deutsche Telekom

Essen, Germany

E-world 2015 showcases the big players in the energy sector. Deutsche Telekom exhibits on-site as a strategic partner for smart energy. Digital communication solutions are crucial for the smart electricity generation and distribution of the future.
Since 2011, hartmannvonsiebenthal creates brand experiences for Deutsche Telekom at the energy trade fair, this year with a complete package, from concept and design to the implementation of the interactive installations.

Interior Designers
Essen, Germany

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Other Projects by hartmannvonsiebenthal the brand experience company GmbH 

Samsung Flagship Store Madrid
Deutsche Telekom MWC 2019 #takepart: Digital future you can touch
E-World 2014 – Deutsche Telekom
Germany, Germany
AstraZeneca Gesamttagungen
Hamburg, Berlin, Germany
O2 Telefónica – Live Concept Store
Germany, Germany