Functional variant of the ENI project

San Donato Milanese, Italy

The project concerns the construction optimization variant of the new Eni headquarters in San Do-nato Milanese, developed in 2017. This project, developed by Nemesi with Morphosis, won of Eni international competition in 2012.The project of the new headquarter Eni, located in San Donato Milanese, beyond the design of an office building, aims to interpret the historical and current values of Eni and Metanopoli, through an icon-project, an architecture-landscape, able to write a new hi-story page of architecture and of San Donato Milanese. The great vision that Enrico Mattei was able to transmit with Metanopoli over 50 years ago, is the story of an Italian company capable of communicating its exemplary and innovative value identity to the world. Eni's history is a source of particular inspiration, the innovative and visionary values that Enrico Mattei originally instilled in the company are still in Eni's legacy.

The concept for the new headquarter Eni embodies these values in a campus organized around three individual buildings that embrace a vibrant public square. Today as then the project proposed (confirming and relaunching Eni's role in the world as a center of excellence and avant-garde in the research and production of energy) is a vehicle for these three values:
a) man and the community at the center:
the project attributes a central value to the idea of Civitas: the symbolic and functional heart of the new Business Center is the square, the meeting place of the Eni Community, around which the new Business Center is generated.
b) democracy and integration: from tout-cour architecture to landscape architecture:
the directional towers lose their self-reference by building an architecture with a predominantly horizontal, democratic dimension, and closely integrated with the landscape. With a layered and dynamic architecture, the Center recounts the richness of geological stratification and the composition of the soil-landscape as a source of energy and life.
c) research and innovation towards a new sustainability:
the design concept shapes the Exploration and Production process through a metamorphic ar-chitecture, a fluid and dynamic continuum, full of interconnections, symbolizing the transfor-mation of matter into energy. The complex, falling within the perimeter of the Integrated Inter-vention Plan called De Gasperi Est, is divided into two functional areas:
1. the Exploration and Production Management Center Eni
2. The Snam Rete Gas Management Center
The project also includes landscape design and public spaces for external areas and adjacent to both business centers.

Nemesi Studio
San Donato Milanese, Italy
Eni servizi
Setec TPI, SCE Project
Setec Batiment, Manens-Tifs

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