Logistics area with administration Promega

Walldorf, Germany
Exterior view
Photo © Roland Halbe

With the project "Promega Under One Roof" all the different operations and subsidiaries of Promega Corp currently spread between different locations around the city of Mannheim are united under a new single roof in the neighbouring town of Walldorf.

In this logistics and administration center all office spaces, logistic and production areas are arranged around a distinctive marketplace, extending over a number of floors. Employees, guests and visitors reach the marketplace through a striking main entrance which is emphasized by cantilevered floor slabs and a part of the building, the employee’s cafeteria, turned outwards to address the landscape.

An open working landscape extends across 3 floors of the office building offering space for about 115 employees together with enough space for future growth. The concept of uniting all the various functions in one building under a single roof is expressed by the form of the expansive 9,000m² wooden structure spanning the entire building.

An essential part of any planning process is the conscious use of the available resources such as land, energy, water, building materials and people both during construction and subsequent operation. In the case of Promega this includes the restoration of the previously used agricultural land and its integration in a landscape, which forms part of a holistic climate and comfort concept.

The re-naturalization of the landscape sees the re-establishment of natural water cycles. To this end, the roof surfaces are mostly created as a green roofs, impermeable surfaces are kept to a minimum and a percolation well is established. The new lake is integrated into this water cycle, serving as a rainwater reservoir and relieving the loads placed on public drainage infrastructure. The water feature is used also for filtering, improvement of the immediate microclimate, and as a source of grey water for use as fire extinguishing reservoir and for the irrigation of green areas inside and out. Inside the new building, a high quality environment is ensured through several means.

In order to provide optimum levels of the human comfort, the individual rooms, the high-performance building envelope and the building mechanical systems have been harmonized with regard to heating, cooling, ventilation and daylight. All permanently used areas are designed to maximize the use of natural lighting in the workplace, regardless of whether along the façade or facing towards the atrium. The facade design ensures thermal protection through passive and active regulation of solar radiation.

Thermal comfort and indoor air quality are supported by mechanical ventilation and building component activation connected to a geothermal field integrated into the foundation system. The large atrium provides for a natural stack effect which is central to the interior climate concept. The rooftop photovoltaic provides most of the total energy needed for the building.

Atrium entrance area
Photo © Roland Halbe
Conference area ground floor
Photo © Roland Halbe
Atrium overview
Photo © Roland Halbe
Atrium 1st floor
Photo © Roland Halbe
Sitzinseln 1. Obergeschoss
Photo © Seating islands 1st floor
Ground floor plan
Drawing © haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050
Floor plan attic
Drawing © haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050
Floor plan 1st upper floor
Drawing © haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050
Floor plan 2nd upper floor
Drawing © haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050
Longitudinal section
Drawing © haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050
Longitudinal section
Drawing © haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050
haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050
Gutenbergring 10, 69190 Walldorf, Germany
Assay Immobiliengesellschaft mbH
Matthias Jänicke, Sandro Ruiu, Felix Wolf, Lena Götze, Ariane Prevedel, Lisa Brinks, Eduardo Martín Rodríguez, Dominika Lis
Specifications & Construction Management
ap88 Architektenpartnerschaft mbB, Heidelberg
Energy Concept
TRANSSOLAR Energietechnik GmbH, Stuttgart
Fire Protection Consultant
hhp berlin, Braunschweig
Structural Engineering and Façade Engineering
Knippers Helbig GmbH, Stuttgart
Landscape Architect
Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl GmbH, Überlingen
Building Physics
knp.bauphysik gmbH, Köln
Electrical Engineer
Ingenieurbüro Werner Schwarz GmbH, Stuttgart
Building Services Engineering
IPP Technische Gesamtplanung AG, Hanau
Gross Floor Area (GFA)
ca. 16,400 m²
Gross Volume
ca. 114,000 m³
Number of Floors
Offices - 3 Floors, Logistics - 1 to 2
Building Dimensions L x W x H
ca. 120 x 75 x 13.5 m

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Other Projects by haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 

Music School and Concert Hall
Ventspils, Latvia
Rapunzel Welt
Legau, Germany
Alnatura Campus
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