The barrack is located In Prenzlau, Uckermark in the northeastern part of the city. On the 45-acre site, technical facilities, economic, staff - and sanitary building, as well as accommodations for the stationed people are arranged.

The two-storey new building as a training and meeting facility with nine classrooms, steps back from the existing 1930s buildings as a modern structure, but takes on the proportions of the surrounding houses.
The building has been designed according to the architectural principles of the guideline for sustainable building of the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development (BMVBS). It was selected as a pilot project for testing the applicability of the 2011 amended guideline for construction measures of the German army. The building is constructed in the passive-house standard.

Auditorium building Uckermark-Kaserne

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Schwedter Straße 63, 17291 Prenzlau, Germany

Other Projects by SSP Rüthnick Architekten 

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Fichtenberg High School
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