Representative graphic document
Visualización © Bowen Liu, Difei Shan

Improving young people's living conditions in big cities

Young people are facing various difficulties while renting houses in big cites. What are their concerns and their needs? How to solve the problems and create a better living conditions for them?

In the early stage, we investigated the current problems faced by young people when renting houses in Chengdu. According to research, the main problem faced by them while renting houses is that their basic needs are not met, such as lack of storage space and independent bathrooms, insufficient office space, and insecurity. Furthermore, unfamiliar cities make young people lose their sense of belonging while rapid urban life reduce the interaction with one another.

We propose to use the "sub-cultural circle" to solve the problems faced by young people's housing issues. The new type of residential area is gradually infiltrated and transitioned by public space, semi-public space, semi-private space and private space in an orderly combination. More public shared space increases space utilization and lowers rent. Different sub-cultural circles will attract different people so that they can meet more friends and increase communication with others. More public-level design has strengthened the connection between young people, and between people and cities. Thus, we define the space with behavioral ratings. First of all, because different subcultures attract different people, their living habits are different, and the housing they need is different. Therefore, private spaces and semi-public spaces (subculture circles) should be classified, listed in various situations and possibilities, and then combined. In addition, different designs should be proposed for different situations of the site. Thereby obtaining a series of designs.

Investigation and proposed idea
Visualización © Bowen Liu, Difei Shan
behavioral analysis
Dibujo © Bowen Liu, Difei Shan
Unit design
Visualización © Bowen Liu, Difei Shan
social activities
Visualización © Bowen Liu, Difei Shan
physical model
Foto © Bowen Liu, Difei Shan
Visualización © Bowen Liu, Difei Shan

Urban Efficiency & Poetic Habitation - Living in Chengdu Design Project

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