RMIT New Academic Street

Melbourne, Australia

Built on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.

Through a consortia of architects, RMIT has undertaken a significant redevelopment of their main academic buildings and library along Swanston
Street. The project will address key issues of the precinct, including reactivating the Swanston Street frontage, providing new links from this spine to Bowen Street, provide new library services and student services and a new food and retail heart.

TCL were commissioned as landscape architects and urban designers to design
new student spaces along the Bowen Street Terrace. The design looks at consolidating this precinct as the student heart of the campus with a new timber
terrace that will play host to events, markets, food and beverage services, as
well as informal seating spaces.

New roof gardens are a feature of the project that demonstrate best practice
in sustainable green roof technology and have links to ongoing research
programs. They also provide tranquil spaces to study away from the busy
atmosphere of the Swanston Library.

2019 AILA Victoria Landscape Architecture
Award for Civic Landscapes
2018 Victorian Architecture Medal (AIA)
2018 Joseph Reed Award for Urban Design
2018 Melbourne Prize (AIA)

Melbourne, Australia
NMBW Architecture Studio
Harrison and White
MvS Architects
Maddison Architects

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Otros proyectos de TCL 

Auckland Waterfront - North Wharf Promenade and Silo Park
Auckland, New Zealand
Towers Road Residence
Toorak, Australia
Scarborough Foreshore Redevelopment
Perth, Australia
Newport Quays
Port Adelaide, Australia
Australian Garden
Cranbourne, Australia