Foto © Åke E:son Lindman

Naturum Vattenriket is a striking visitor centre on the banks of the river Helge, recognised as a UNESCO biosphere reserve yet only a few hundred metres from the city of Kristianstad, Sweden.

Situated in the middle of a wetlands reserve, the building overcomes drastically fluctuating water levels by being raised four metres above the ground to avoid the risk of flooding. This additional height makes the visitor centre the ideal vantage point for views of the wildlife and native vegetation, which can be enjoyed from the upper observation terrace.

The project's surroundings were an important inspiration for its design, resulting in a building that reinforces the experience of the wetlands, yet does not disrupt the wildlife. Timber bridges from the east and west offer access to the site and compliment their surroundings. These bridges form passages through the grasses, bushes and reeds, and are recessed similar to nests in the landscape.

Foto © Åke Eson Lindman
Foto © Åke Eson Lindman
Foto © Patrik Olofsson
Foto © Åke E:son Lindman
Foto © Åke Eson Lindman
Foto © Åke Eson Lindman
Foto © Åke Eson Lindman

Naturum Vattenriket

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Kristianstad, Sweden

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