DAM Architectural Book Award

John Hill | 30. septembre 2014
Covers of the 10 winning titles

Basing their decision on "design, content, quality of material and finishing, topicality and innovation," the 10-strong jury* selected the winners on September 17, 2014. Awards will be given to the winners in a private ceremony on October 8, followed by an exhibition of the awarded books at the Frankfurt Book Fair from October 9 to 12.

The Prize Winners (alphabetical by publisher with covers in the same order, clockwise from top-left):

Publishers: Editorial Arquine (Mexico)
Edited by: Uribe Ortiz, José Luis, Andrea Griborio
Authors: Uribe Ortiz, José Luis
Design: Cristina Paoli
Photographs: Hector Labarca Rocco (Chile), Blanca Zuniga Alegria (Chile)

Publishers: Bloomsbury Publishing, London
Edited by: Richard Atkinson
Authors: Matthew Rice
Design: (Typography) Peter Dawson, (Illustration) Matthew Rice

Publishers: Damdi Publishing, Seoul
Edited by: Kyoungwon Suh
Authors: Dongwoo Yim & Rafael Luna
Design: YeonKyeong Choo
Typography: Yoon Gothic (Korean) + Universal (English)

Publishers: gta-Verlag, Zurich
Edited by: Adam Caruso, Helen Thomas
Authors: Adam Caruso, Jacques Lucan, Fernand Pouillon, Helen Thomas
Design: Moiré, Marc Kappeler, Dominik Huber, Ruth Amstutz
Photographs: Héléne Binet

Publishers: Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern
Edited by: Hugo Palmarola, Pedro Alonso
Authors: Pedro Alonso, Alberto Arenas, Manuel Corrada, David Edgerton, Adrian Forty, Boris Groys, Catherine Ingraham, Palmola Magazine, Eden Medina, Servando Mora, Hugo Palmarola, Nolberto Salinas, Gianfranco Foschino, Nolberto Salinas Gonzalez, Patricio Nunez
Design: Martin Bravo

Publishers: nai010, Rotterdam
Edited by: Cees van der Veeken, Eric-Jan Pleijster, Peter Veenstra
Authors: Cees van der Veeken, Eric-Jan Pleijster, Peter Veenstra, Erik de Jong, René van der Velde, Paul Roncken, Eric Frijters, Olv Klein, Allard Jolles, Alex van de Beld, Rogier van den Berg
Design: Koehorst in’t Veld, Rotterdam
Illustration (Visuals and graphics): LOLA

Publishers: Park Books, Zurich
Edited by: Anette Spiro, David Ganzoni
Authors: Mario Carpo, Hermann Czech, Tom Emerson, Philipp Esch, David Ganzoni, Uta Hassler & Daniel Stockhammer, Ákos Moravánszky, Urs Primas, Kornel Ringli, Stephan Rutishauser, Jonathan Sergison und Philip Ursprung
Design: Esther Rieser, Zurich
(See our Found feature with a selection of drawings from the book.)

Publishers: Park Books, Zurich
Edited by: Katharina Roters
Authors: Hannes Böhringer, Endre Prakfalvi, Zsolt Szijártó und József Szolnoki
Photographs: Katharina Roters
Design: Imre Lepsényi

PETER ZUMTHOR, 1985–2013
Publishers: Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich
Deited by: Thomas Durisch
Authors: Peter Zumthor
Design: Beat Keusch, Basel
Photographs: Héléne Binet, Hans Danuse, Ralph Feiner, Thomas Flechtner, Walter Mair, Joël Tettamanti et. al

Publishers: Steidl, Göttingen
Edited by: Kai Wiedenhöfer
Author: Kai Wiedenhöfer
Photographs: Kai Wiedenhöfer

*External jurors: Philipp Meuser (DOM Publishers Berlin), Julia Voss (editor Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), Thomas Dahm, (graphic designer, Delft \ NL, prize winner 2013), Jörg Winde (photographer, Bochum, prize winner 2013), Jo Eisele, (Society of Friends Deutsches Architekturmuseum)
Internal Jurors: Peter Cachola Schmal (director DAM), Annette Becker (curator DAM), Oliver Elser (curator DAM), Christina Budde (educational curator DAM \ co-ordination DAM Architectural Book Award 2014), Brita Köhler (public relations DAM)

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