Août 2021, Beijing
- 未来回声:媒体建造
Che Fei and Zhao Guan nan edited and published a new book:Echoes for the future: Media fabrication. the book wrote in Chinese and English.
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- ISBN : 9787514020342
- Auteur : Fei Che、Guannan Zhao
- Éditeur : 北京工艺美术出版社

Août 2019, Beijing
- 空间的内向型与外向性
che fei has published his third book Introversion and Extroversion of Space with the best Chinses architecture Press: China Architecture & Building Press
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- ISBN : 9787112236619
- Auteur : Fei Che
- Éditeur : China Architecture & Building Press

Octobre 2013, Beijing
- 北京的社会空间性转型——一个城市空间学基本概念
che fei has published his second book the socio-spatial transition of Beijing: A fundamental concept of city spaceology with the best Chinses architecture Press: China Architecture & Building Press
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- ISBN : 9787112156405
- Auteur : Fei Che
- Éditeur : China Architecture & Building Press

Septembre 2009, Beijing
- 震荡
che fei has published his first book Concussion
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- ISBN : 9787538161250
- Auteur : Fei Che
- Éditeur : Liaoning science and technology publishing house