It is located in Anhui province, in one of the 5 sacred Taoist mountain of china, beautiful and very famous that’s why the government wants to develop as well as possible the touristic infrastructure so as to preserve this natural landscape.

To define the new relation between this building and the surrounding nature the project has been inspired by the typical Chinese painting. In this kind of painting, the building and the nature are not 2 separated system stick together, they are represented as an integrated whole where the architecture is not the main focusing point of the composition. It reproduces in a way the natural form and follows the general movement of the landscape.

For this specific situation it reproduces this philosophy of vanishing. The strategy is to consider the building as the continuity of the existing topography so as to reduce his impact on the land. The building is bended by following the natural movement and defines as set of different face that minimizes its size.

Location: Tianzhushan 天柱山炼丹湖, anhui province, china

Client: Anhui local government

Project year: 2009

Construction phase: April 2010

Project Area: 850sqm

Budget: 2 000 000 RMB

Program: tourist facilities, tea house, restaurant, hotel

Altri progetti di Archiplein 

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Shanghai, China
Shenzhen Hongkong Biennale 2009
Shenzhen, China
Beijing Hutong
Beijing, China
La Roche house
Rochebaudin, Francia
Kunshan Office
Kunshan, China