Do Ho Suh in Austin

John Hill | 29. luglio 2014
Do Ho Suh, "348 West 22nd Street, Apt. A, New York, NY 10011, USA," 2012. Courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong.

After Suh's move to the United States in 1993 (now he splits his time between New York City, London, and Seoul) he started modeling his New York City apartment. The distinctive polyester pieces – walls, windows, stairs, radiators, appliances, and even toilets – are full-scale constructions that call attention to their architectural roles through their translucency, steel framing and colors. The Contemporary Austin curator Heather Pesanti describes the models of his various residences this way: "These transplanted homes are playful and imaginative but also deeply melancholy in their manifestation of disorientation: as impressions of the many residences in which Suh and his family have lived, they testify to the global and poignantly elusive nature of 'home' as seen through the artist’s eyes."

Do Ho Suh opens at The Contemporary Austin on September 30, 2014.

Do Ho Suh, "Apartment A, Corridor and Staircase, 348 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011, USA," 2012. Courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong.
Do Ho Suh, "Specimen Series: Corridor, Radiator/Stove/Toilet, 348 West 22nd Street, APT. New York, NY 10011," 2013. Courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong.

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