The Airport Nest - a kindergarten one step from Bari Airport

Bari, Italia
Immagine © Laboratorio Permanente

The unexpected placement of a kindergarten inside an airport becomes an opportunity to investigate a possible inversion between earth and sky. The project focuses on the juxtaposition of opposites scale and materials: the intimate nature of a nursery school and the monumental scale of an airport, the natural colours of the ground and of the sky in the transparent walls.

Foto © Riccardo Campanale
Foto © Riccardo Campanale
© Riccardo Campanale
Laboratorio Permanente
Nicola Russi, Angelica Sylos Labini, Sylos Labini Ingegneri Associati
Structural Engineer
Sylos Labini Ingegneri Associati
Studio Magnanimo
Site Supervision
Sylos Labini Ingegneri Associati

Progetti collegati 

  • Shanghai Suhe MixC World
  • Welcome to the Stage!
    Kjellander Sjöberg
  • Hovering Kan-Too – Great Bay Area Center Showroom
    Wutopia Lab
  • Stockwell-Rodríguez Residence
    Belmont Freeman Architects
  • Haunsbergstraße | 1. Preis
    Architektinnen Schremmer.Jell ZT GmbH


Altri progetti di Laboratorio Permanente 

Viktor Pivovarov Exhibition - “The Snail’s Trail” art exhibition
Moscow, Russia
The Cliff - temporary set up for a conference room and bar
Moscow, Russia
Nina Lumer #1 - art gallery in the heart of Milan
Milano, Italia
Learning Ring - two secondary schools for the competition #Scuole Innovative
Quintiles IMS - renovation of the IMS Healt Office in the heart of Milan
Milano, Italia