Messe Basel's Twisted Aluminum

John Hill | 13. 5月 2013
Photo: Iwan Baan
Photo: Iwan Baan

The aluminum cladding looks like it is made up of large sheets that are cut to create the openings of varying degrees, but in fact there are 15,000 panels that comprise the facades and the oculus that cuts through the building over the roadway to create "City Lounge." Novelis is responsible for the fabrication of the aluminum cladding, with anodizing of their J57S panels (PDF link) handled by BWB.

Photo: Courtesy of MCH Group

The three-dimensional nature of the skin is most apparent in the below view from the interior looking to the street. The aluminum ribbons, flush with the facade in most areas, is almost perpendicular here, giving a clear view of the context and keeping the convention center from being totally closed off from its surroundings.

Photo: Iwan Baan
