ビジュアリゼーション © KCAP

The Zurich Centre university area is transforming itself from an urban campus enclave into an open inner city campus that is fully integrated into the Fluntern district. The newly designed public space structure, new attractive accesses and address-forming arrival and residence points along with the planned new buildings embedded in their granularity into the surroundings completely transforms the area into an appealing, easily accessible, mixed-use inner-city health, knowledge and research location.

The formation of the building complexes into individual houses, which are connected with passages, alleys, galleries and bridges, generates a spatial and visual porosity, which links the future building complexes with the adjoining quarters to maximize their granularity and accessibility. This clear structuring of the public urban spaces as well as the internal semi-public spaces creates a hierarchy throughout the access systems, and enables easy orientation within the entire university quarter as well as with its individual building clusters.

ビジュアリゼーション © KCAP
図面 © KCAP
Nolli Plan with pedestrian flow ‘inner urban development‘
図面 © KCAP
Spatial systems - building typologies
図面 © KCAP
写真 © KCAP

Stadtraumkonzept HGZZ

Zurich, スイス
Kanton Zürich
Concept for urban and public space for an 18.5 ha central university area
Urban planer
Participating parties
Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur, IBV Hüsler, Fahrländer Partner, Salewski & Kretz Architekten

KCAP Zürich によるその他のプロジェクト 

Oase Oerlikon
Oerlikon, スイス
Nuova Lugano
Lugano, スイス
SBB Werkstadt
Zurich, スイス
OZ Nature Urbaine Montpellier
Montpellier, フランス
Stuttgart, ドイツ