A Space Made from Particles
Image: ICD University of Stuttgart
For its latest robotically built installation, the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) at University of Stuttgart asked: What if architecture was to emulate the behavior of large masses of granular substances, such as sand or gravel, and allow for its own continuous reconfiguration?
The resulting ICD Aggregate Pavilion 2018 is made from 70,000 star-like, white "particles" made from recycled plastic. Held in place through friction and gravity, the particles define a narrow, inhabitable void at its center. ICD asserts the potential of such constructions: "If custom-designed particles are deployed, granular materials can form self-supporting spatial enclosures while remaining fully reconfigurable and reusable."
Watch a 1m44s film on the design and construction of the ICD Aggregate Pavilion 2018: