TCA Think Tank

Chinese Condition - Venice Biennale - Fundamentals

TCA Think Tank
26. juni 2014
Marco Cappelletti

The exhibit THECONDITIONOFCHINESEARCHITECTURE highlights issues regarding the perception and research of the reality of the architecture in China.

China uses 33% of the world’s overall consumption of reinforced concrete. Chinese architects account for 1% of the world total, but the turnover from building work is 1/10 of the world total. In other words, one hundredth of the world’s architects must design 33% of all buildings and they must do this for just 1/10 of the profit. How does this condition effect architecture?

Marco Cappelletti
Marco Cappelletti
Marco Cappelletti
Nico Saieh
TCA Think Tank
TCA Think Tank
TCA Think Tank
TCA Think Tank

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