Providing business and conferencing facilities for clients and partners, the IBM Forum London, comprises of a conference suite with nine spacious and flexible meeting rooms located around the building perimeter with stunning river views. Within the Forum, the Innovation Centre, a showcase area featuring a changing exhibition and audio visual displays, is arranged around a central courtyard. The combined facilities total 1,740 sq metres, providing IBM with 75% more space than the previous layout.

Visitors arriving at the centre, move through a number of zoned displays depicting IBM's past and present before arriving at the centre, IBM's future. Circular lines, used throughout the centre, differentiate zones and spaces and mirror the IBM "Smarter Planet" initiative logo. Within each zone, touch-interactive demonstration units, static graphic and animated multi-media walls, showing case studies of IBM solutions and technology, stimulate conversation about the work.

Interiordesign / Exhibition-Showcasedesign, IBM Forum at London´s Southbank, in collaboration with George P. Johnson (UK) and HOK Architects (UK)

Design / Team
COASToffice architecture
George P. Johnson UK
HOK London


Completed 2012 / 01

Photo © Thomas Herrmann
Photo © Thomas Herrmann
Photo © Thomas Herrmann
Photo © Thomas Herrmann

IBM Forum

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London, Groot Britannië

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