Chile, Wooden Chapel Ancud

Ancud, Chili
Photo © LineKjær, 2019
Architecture & Human Rights (ARCH+H.R.)
Errázuriz 507, S/N Ancud, Chili
San Vicente de Paul foundation
Jorge Lobos + Associate Architects.

Chiloé has a great tradition in wooden architecture where the high cultural expression is reached in the
wooden churches, 16 of them has been declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 2000.
For that reason, our proposition was to follow the local tradition, the proportions, typology, materials,
and symbolism of a building which is more than a church, is the centre of the community life. This

building was totally financed by the local community through their work and donations
of money and time. Our professional work was part of that community collaboration. The
church was self-built by the community with an average cost of 120US/m2. Area 240m2.
Materials: Structure, external and internal cover Wood. Floor sand and stones. Roof iron sheet
and acrylic.
AWARD: X Biennale of Architecture Chile 1995

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Andere projecten van Architecture & Human Rights (ARCH+H.R.)

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: Puri Sierra Gorda: An Artificial Oasis in The Atacama Desert
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