Columbia University Northwest Corner

New York, USA
Photo © Michael Moran

Located in the densely built Morningside campus, the Northwest Corner Building occupies one of its few remaining building sites. The new building is cantilevered over an existing gymnasium to maximize the potential of its physically constrained footprint. The award-winning design not only creates the first interdisciplinary science space on the Morningside campus but also extends its reach via physical bridges to the adjoining buildings housing chemistry and physics, thus completing a connected ring of all the physical science and engineering buildings. The 188,000-gsf, 14-story building provides 70,000 sf of new lab space for 21 new labs on seven floors. The remaining levels provide space for a new science library, which will free up an additional 30,000 sf in four other buildings by consolidating the libraries of electrical engineering, physics, chemistry, and biology. With the space made available, the new building adds approximately 35 percent more research space to these disciplines.

Photo © Michael Moran
Photo © Michael Moran
Photo © Michael Moran
Davis Brody Bond
New York, USA

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