
Falk Jaeger | 23.06.2024


The Hessian state capital of Wiesbaden is celebrating the opening of a shining architectural icon. The museum of private collector Reinhard Ernst is architecture at its finest, designed by the Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki, the 1993 Pritzker Prize laureate 

Falk Jaeger | 01.03.2024


The exhibition "drawing in space" by Sauerbruch Hutton provides an insight into the reflection and creative processes of their architecture. Falk Jaeger visited the exhibition and also found in it a journey through the development of architectural representation.

Falk Jaeger | 29.06.2023


The Tchoban Foundation's Museum for Architectural Drawing has become a must-visit for architects and architecture enthusiasts from around the world when visiting Berlin, just like the neighboring Aedes Architecture Forum. The exhibition ArchiVision is celebrating the museum's tenth...

Falk Jaeger | 25.01.2023


On January 21, Arno Lederer died in Stuttgart at the age of 75 following a severe illness. He provided orientation to many, and people appreciated his wise thoughts and loved his open, friendly and approachable manner.

Falk Jaeger | 06.12.2022


Meinhard von Gerkan, the prominent German architect, died in Hamburg on Wednesday, November 30, at the age of 87.

John Hill, Falk Jaeger | 01.07.2022


When we visited Mother's House, Robert Venturi's icon of postmodernism in Philadelphia, and told the resident, Agatha Hughes, that we were from Berlin, she replied, "How is Kristin?" That was in 1992. Since then, her fame in architectural circles has only grown. On July 1, Kristin Feireiss...

John Hill, Falk Jaeger | 20.12.2021


The buildings of Richard Rogers, especially those of his early creative period, were often hardly accepted at first — before eventually becoming landmarks of modern architecture. Rogers died at his home in London over the weekend at the age of 88.

Falk Jaeger | 08.09.2021


He lived his life with a natural cosmopolitan attitude and open-mindedness into his old age. Jörg Schlaich was a quiet and modest man, yet self-confident and without the airs and graces of many of the stars acting on the architecture stage worldwide. Jörg Schlaich died on September 4.

Falk Jaeger | 28.09.2020


Beyond all the scandals, the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport Willy Brandt (BER) promises to achieve what architecture is supposed to achieve. The airport is scheduled to open at the end of October.

John Hill, Falk Jaeger | 20.11.2019


Architect Gustav Peichl, born in Vienna in March 1928, died at his home in Grinzing, a district of Vienna, on Sunday, November 17 at the age of 91.