Nuno Mateus
Castelo Branco,1961.
PhD in Architecture, FAUTL, Lisbon, 2013.
Master of Science in Architecture and Building Design at Columbia University in New York, 1987.
Founded ARX Portugal Arquitectos, 1991.
Teacher at FAUTL and UAL, Lisbon.
UAL’s Director of the Architecture Department, 2004 -07.
Visiting professor in Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (ESARQ-UIC) in Barcelona and followed Architectural thesis projects at ESAP (Escola Superior Artística do Porto).
Has worked among others with Peter Eisenman in New York from 1987 until 1991 and with Daniel Libeskind in Berlin in 1991.

José Mateus
Castelo Branco, 1963.
Graduated in Architecture, FAUTL, Lisbon, 1986.
Founded ARX Portugal Arquitectos, 1991.
Guest professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon, he was teacher at the Escola Técnica Superior d’ Arquitectura of the Universitat Internacional da Catalunya (ESARQ-UIC), in Barcelona; at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE) and at the Escola Superior de Artes Decorativas de Lisboa (ESAD).
Currently President of the Director’s Board of Lisbon Architecture Triennale, was also Executive Director of the events Trienal 2007 and Trienal 2010.Currently a member of Babel’s Editorial Board.
Was President of the Southern Regional Assembly of the Ordem dos Arquitectos (2008-2010), as well as Vice President of the Direction of the same Regional Section (2005-2007).
Author/coordinator of the magazine Linha (Architecture, Design and Landscape) of the weekly newspaper Expresso. He was also author/coordinator of the two television series Tempo & Traço for SIC Notícias channel.
Jury member in several Architecture prizes.