- 2023
- Time Space Existence
- Venice, 意大利
J. Jabbra Library and R. Nassar Central Administration, LAU Byblos Campus, Jbeil, Lebanon
- 2021
- Time Space Existence
- Venice, 意大利
Shaping Public Space
- 2020
- Public Architecture, Future of Europe
- Moscow, Russia
Shaping Public Space
- 2018
- Time Space Existence
- Venice, 意大利
Shaping Public Space
- 2016
- Time Space Existence
- Venice, 意大利
Shaping Public Space
- American Library Association, Annual National Convention, Alternate Materials Lecture, Atlanta, GA, 2002
- 美國
- New New York: Fast Forward, Group Exhibit, the Architectural League, New York City, 2007
- 美國
- Lorenzo Pagnamenta presented Mariners Harbor Branch Library during "Libraries: Between Digital and Physical Worlds" at the AIA New York Chapter for Architecture, NYC, April 2012.
- 美國
- The City We Imagined/The City We Made: New New York 2001-2010, the Architectural League, New York City, 2010
- 美國
- “Let us change the libraries”: conference on the Campus of the Swiss Federal School of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), September 2010.
- 美國
- Change: Architecture and Engineering in the Middle East, 2000-Present, Group Exhibit, Center for Architecture, New York, NY, 2012
- 美國
- New YorkNOW, Group Exhibit, Center for Architecture, New York, NY, 2007
- 美國
- New YorkNOW, Group Exhibit, Center for Architecture / West 4th Street Subway Station, New York, NY, 2009
- 美國
- New York New York, Group Exhibit, Center for Architecture / West 4th Street Subway Station, New York, NY, 2011
- 美國
- New YorkNow, Group Exhibit, Center for Architecture, New York, NY, 2005
- 美國
- Made in New York, Group Exhibit, Center for Architecture / West 4th Street Subway Station, New York, NY, 2010
- 美國
- Bayard T. School Library was featured during OHNY weekend, Saturday October 6, 2012.
- 美國
- A*PT Architecture presented Mariners Harbor Branch Library in "Inside-Out / Outside-In", in AIA New York Speed Presentations Event, April 15, 2014
- 美國
- A*PT Architecture presented Mariners Harbor, Byblos Campus Project and USI University Campus projects during the "Pecha Kucha" at the AIA New York Chapter, "1 Event in 3 Cities Program", August 2013.
- 美國
- War and Architecture, Presentation and Debate, EXPA Architectural Gallery, Palermo, Italy, 2005
- 美國
- Controspazio Review, 30 Years of Italian Architecture Exhibit, New York, NY, 2002
- 美國
- American Institute of Architects, Going Public, Group Exhibit for the official opening of the new Center for Architecture in New York City, 2003
- 美國
- Public Design Commission of the City of New York 2008 Award for Excellence in Design, New York, NY, 2009
- 美國
- Going Public 2, Group Exhibit, Center for Architecture, New York, NY, 2006
- 美國