CY Lau


CY Lau joined  Groundwork  Architects &  Associates as a partner in 2014. CY is also the founding partner of Groundwork Design (Shenzhen) Ltd. 

Prior to joining Groundwork, CY  have recevied his architectural trainning from the  University of Hong Kong and the University College of London, Bartlett School of Architecture . Upon his graduation, CY have joined Future Systems, London with Jan Kaplický and Amanda Levete, where he was involved in the realization of futuristic and landmark projects around the world. 

CY returned to Hong Kong in 2005 and have joined Aedas Ltd. and MLA Architects, where he served as an associate partner and witnessed the growth of the office. 

CY is current leading Groundwork  into the most challenging projects of the office.

Manfred Yuen


Manfred Yuen 阮文韜 | 元新 GROUNDWORK 創辦人, 英國皇家建築師學會註冊建築師,香港室內設計師協會專業會員。畢業於英國劍橋大學建築系, 香港大學建築系(一級榮譽)。曾任奧地利籃天組 Coop-Himmelb(l)au 駐中國項目統籌。於 2010年在香港成立元新建城建築 +城市設計有限公司(GROUNDWORK ARCHITECTURE + URBANISM), 同年獲《世界建築下一代的建築大師》作為45位40歲以下特色世界建築師之一。 2011年獲透現雜誌入選 Perspective Magazine 《40驕子》。2013 年獲《香港精神獎》。 2014 年獲選為《香港傑出義職人士》, 南華報業集團《CEO OF THE YEAR 獎》及入編 《亞洲華人領袖名錄》。現兼任於香港理工大學設計學院及香港大學專業進修學院建築系講師。作品展覽及建築項目分怖在倫敦,意大利, 中國, 新加坡, 及香港。